I come up with a provisional way to coregister our data given the following remarks during my data check:

  • Previous data: mangatu_eros_feat folder
  • The data seems to be displaced slightly
  • It might need some coregistration(?)
  • 1960 seems to be good.
  • Latest data: Mangatu_feature_extraction folder + aerial photos
  • Only 1988 was corrected on the second badge of data coming from Raphael
    • mangatu_1988_ero_feat.shp (incorrect)
    • mangatu_1988_ero_feat_nztm.shp (correct)


library(tidyverse, quietly = T, warn.conflicts = F)
stec_dir = "R:/RESEARCH/02_PROJECTS/01_P_330001/119_STEC/04_Data/Gullies-Mangatu"

Data exploration

  1. Call reference data for coregistration
g88_wrongproj = st_read(here(stec_dir, 'mangatu_eros_feat', 'mangatu_1988_ero_feat.shp'))
## Reading layer `mangatu_1988_ero_feat' from data source `R:\RESEARCH\02_PROJECTS\01_P_330001\119_STEC\04_Data\Gullies-Mangatu\mangatu_eros_feat\mangatu_1988_ero_feat.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 1390 features and 4 fields
## geometry type:  POLYGON
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: 2019163 ymin: 5751020 xmax: 2033407 ymax: 5765684
## projected CRS:  NZGD2000 / New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000
g88_goodproj = st_read(here(stec_dir, 'Mangatu_feature_extraction', 'mangatu_1988_ero_feat_nztm.shp'))
## Reading layer `mangatu_1988_ero_feat_nztm' from data source `R:\RESEARCH\02_PROJECTS\01_P_330001\119_STEC\04_Data\Gullies-Mangatu\Mangatu_feature_extraction\mangatu_1988_ero_feat_nztm.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 1390 features and 4 fields
## geometry type:  POLYGON
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: 2019192 ymin: 5751216 xmax: 2033436 ymax: 5765880
## projected CRS:  NZGD2000_New_Zealand_Transverse_Mercator_2000
  1. Extract geometries to check how they relate to each other
# Extract geometries from good and wrong registration
t1 = g88_goodproj %>% 

t2 = g88_wrongproj %>% 

# Transform wrong registration to same CRS as good coregistration
t2t = t2 %>% 
  st_transform(crs = st_crs(g88_goodproj)) 

# Calculate differences between polygons centroids
diff = (st_centroid(t1) - st_centroid(t2t)) 
  1. Check the statistics of the differences
# Density
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
diff %>% 
  st_coordinates() %>% 
  apply(2, function (x) plot(density(x))) %>% 
# Histogram
diff %>% 
  st_coordinates() %>% 
  apply(2, hist) %>% 

# Median
median = diff %>% st_coordinates() %>% apply(2, median)
# Mean
mean = diff %>% st_coordinates() %>% apply(2, mean)
# Min
min = diff %>% st_coordinates() %>% apply(2, min)
# Max
max = diff %>% st_coordinates() %>% apply(2, max)
# Standard deviation
sd = diff %>% st_coordinates() %>% apply(2, sd)

knitr::kable(rbind(min, mean, median, max, sd))
min 28.7316462 195.4090545
mean 28.8827100 195.4544335
median 28.8797528 195.4506451
max 29.0418722 195.5233130
sd 0.0748139 0.0281182
  1. Test an affine transformation
# Sum the mean difference to X and Y
t3t = st_sfc(t2t + mean) %>% 
  # Reproject to "good" registration file
  1. Inspect results
t1 %>% 
  plot(border = 'darkgreen', col = NA)
t2t %>% 
  plot(border = 'red', col = NA, add = T)
t3t %>% 
  plot(border = 'blue', col = NA, add = T)

mapview(t1, layer.name = "Correct proj", col.regions = 'darkgreen') +
  mapview(t2t, layer.name = "Wrong proj", col.regions = 'red') +
  mapview(t3t, layer.name = "Affine proj", col.regions = 'blue')
  1. Setting parameters
crs_out = st_crs(t1)
displacement = mean

Coregistering files

With the above defined parameters, we can proceed to coregister our files

  1. Load files
g39 = st_read(here(stec_dir, 'mangatu_eros_feat', 'mangatu_1939_ero_feat.shp'))
## Reading layer `mangatu_1939_ero_feat' from data source `R:\RESEARCH\02_PROJECTS\01_P_330001\119_STEC\04_Data\Gullies-Mangatu\mangatu_eros_feat\mangatu_1939_ero_feat.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 3673 features and 4 fields
## geometry type:  POLYGON
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: 2019282 ymin: 5751010 xmax: 2033404 ymax: 5765537
## projected CRS:  NZGD2000 / New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000
g60 = st_read(here(stec_dir, 'mangatu_eros_feat', 'mangatu_1960_ero_feat.shp'))
## Reading layer `mangatu_1960_ero_feat' from data source `R:\RESEARCH\02_PROJECTS\01_P_330001\119_STEC\04_Data\Gullies-Mangatu\mangatu_eros_feat\mangatu_1960_ero_feat.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 1544 features and 4 fields
## geometry type:  POLYGON
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: 2019192 ymin: 5751220 xmax: 2033357 ymax: 5766205
## projected CRS:  NZGD2000 / New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000
g70 = st_read(here(stec_dir, 'mangatu_eros_feat', 'mangatu_1970_ero_feat.shp'))
## Reading layer `mangatu_1970_ero_feat' from data source `R:\RESEARCH\02_PROJECTS\01_P_330001\119_STEC\04_Data\Gullies-Mangatu\mangatu_eros_feat\mangatu_1970_ero_feat.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 1724 features and 4 fields
## geometry type:  POLYGON
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: 2019188 ymin: 5751021 xmax: 2032941 ymax: 5765799
## projected CRS:  NZGD2000 / New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000
  1. Establish coregistration function
coregister = function(x, crs = crs_out, affine_displacement = displacement) {
 new_geom = st_sfc(st_geometry(x) + affine_displacement, crs = crs)
 x = st_drop_geometry(x)
 st_geometry(x) = new_geom
  1. Coregister files
g39_co = coregister(g39)
g70_co = coregister(g70)
  1. Reproject 1960 file
g60_proj = g60 %>%  st_transform(crs= crs_out)
  1. View results
# Giving an error when rendering, try directly on console
mapview(g39, layer.name = "Wrong proj 1939", col.regions = 'red') +
  mapview(g39_co, layer.name = "Affine proj 1939", col.regions = 'blue') +
  mapview(g60_proj, layer.name = "Correct proj 1960", col.regions = 'orange') +
  mapview(g70_co, layer.name = "Affine proj 1970", col.regions = 'green') +
  mapview(g70, layer.name = "Wrong proj 1970", col.regions = 'purple') +
  mapview(g88_goodproj, layer.name = "Correct proj 1988", col.regions = 'yellow')
  1. Save results
st_write(g39_co, here(stec_dir, 'mangatu_coregistered_LA', 'mangatu_1939_ero_feat_nztm.shp'))
st_write(g60_proj, here(stec_dir, 'mangatu_coregistered_LA', 'mangatu_1960_ero_feat_nztm.shp'))
st_write(g70_co, here(stec_dir, 'mangatu_coregistered_LA', 'mangatu_1970_ero_feat_nztm.shp'))

Closing remarks

This approach is based on the 1988 coregistration. If we compare this correction with 1960, there will be mismatches.

It could be that there is a need for rescaling factors or other parameters to make this match correctly, but since the data is pre-HR-satellite-imagery timed, it is very hard for me to find a better way to correctly coregister this (that I can think off).

Until we get a better deal, I will use this newly created files to do some ESDA and some initial testing.